Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We are Already Behind... an Add-On

So, I found this article regarding the New Math Curriculum (click on the link to view). It appears the Atlanta Journal and Constitution has a small glimpse of how stressful teaching the test can be on both students and teachers.

I personally love the quotation, from Aker, co-president of the Gwinnet County Association of Educators, she writes, "You have to cover everything. It’s a lesson a day...There is no time to get them to master each section.” To me, this statement sums up "teaching the test" perfectly. What do you think?


  1. Dana, I really feel for math teachers in particular with this quote you give us. Math teachers have to teach so fast and almost never get to go into any particular depth or reason for the skills that you are teaching. The result of this problem is that I can only remember about 20 percent of the math that I took in school. I hated math.

    This is the third attempt to post something on your blog. I feel that you blog has it out against me and thus will bid you farewell. Have a good day.

  2. i completely agree. if forgot where i read it at but, i have currently read that for teachers to be able to cover all the standards it would take around 21-22 years of school instead of 12. so when you couple how long it would actually take to teach the material with the pressure on teachers to teach everything, is it any wonder that teachers glance over some material.

  3. It is hard enough for you to teach math, but even harder to cover all of the standards. Also, I find that math is something that is hard wired into the brain. How do you teach for a test whenever they cannot comprehend basic math in the first place and are you to be held accountable for it???
